Gorgeous Gucci is here to greet you with some promising news on this Shelter Pet Sunday. Her namesake brand made two big announcements that signal positive change for the post-COVID fashion industry. The first change is that they are launching their first line that is genderless, recycled, organic, bio-based and made from sustainably sourced materials. The second change is reducing their shows from 5 to 2 per year acknowledging the environmental impacts and over-consumption the current schedule encourages. We hope that other brands will follow suit, and can’t help but think that pressure from consumers can keep moving the industry in a less destructive direction.
Gucci has come under fire in recent years for cultural appropriation that obviously can’t be swept under the rug with a few BLM hashtags and eco trends. Varsity Magazine has a great article about this called “Why Black Lives Matter cannot be ‘fashionable.’”
Visit NYCACC for Gucci (the cat) and other adoptable cuties.